Saturday, August 20, 2016

1955 Jr High School

In 1955 I started Jr High School. The 7th and 8th grade met in the same building but it was separated by an auditorium.  In this picture you can see the auditorium  that separated the two grades. 7th graders were in the right had section and the eighth grader classes were in the left hand side.

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This is the same auditorium that was in use when I was in all the plays in high school.

1957- 1958 15 Years Old ninth grade
Attended 9-11 grades in the new Tooele High School that had been built a couple of years before I entered the ninth grade.

Arial view of the old high school complex before they built the new  high school

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I am assuming that the tennis courts located at the bottom right side of this photo are where Bob practiced tennis

Side Bar 2:
The building to the left of the tennis courts is where I attended seminary.

Side Bar 3:
I was president of the seminary during my senior year.

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